About 52 Magic Mondays
52 Magic Mondays: An original and evolving 52 week street photography project by Megan Crandlemire.
2016: New York City
My goals...
- "see" more
- be more present in the moment
- grow my creativity
- improve my photography skills
- face a few fears
- learn something about myself
- learn about authentic inspiration (and hopefully share a little of that with others)
I read the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert in late November, 2015. Ms. Gilbert's general theme was that "ideas" are like little creatures floating around in the ethers looking to be adopted, cared for, and helped to thrive. It was an interesting concept and inspired the name I chose for this project. Was this project one of those "ideas" floating out there in the Universe, waiting to be nutured and explored (by me??). I have no idea. Maybe!
For this project, I let each Monday unfold as it would like. I had a general plan when I headed into the city, but nothing set in stone. I had no idea how far I would walk, who I would meet and what kind of adventures I would have to photograph.
Throughout the project I found to my photography to be changing and my view of city life very different than when I was the every-couple-of-years tourist in NYC. I felt different as each week passed. I profoundly realized that I see and photograph the city through "my life lens", which is going to be really different than your life lens. Where I was raised, educated, the choices I've made, my age, marital status, life as a parent, relationships, friends, pets, food, health, frankly even experiences with the weather (I'm petrified of tornados after living in the midwest) all influenced my experience and photography of the city.
On this website, I include images that simply document a day or a place, images that are artistically creative, photos that show a moment that for whatever reason truly captured my attention. I also include my general thoughts about what I see and experience. Perhaps you'll find some inspiration for yourself in this project. Change is the journey.
I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to look through the pages. I LOVE hearing from readers, please drop me an email anytime - I always write back.
Social Media
Email: megancrandlemire "at" gmail "dot" com